Photography, Art direction & Retouch. Client: Three Spirit drinks Usage: Social media

Photography, Styling, Retouch & Art Direction Client: Derma Organics (skincare brand) Usage: social media & website
One of the photos was featured in Vogue Netherlands.

Photography, Styling & Retouch for Ten Twelve skincare usage: social media & website www.tentwelve-skincare.com

"Boy with the pearl earring" draws inspiration from classic paintings. However, it brings a contemporary twist by adding gender fluidity and queerness to the mix. I've met Joris at a rave and his demeanour charmed me. Published in the print volume of Feroce magazine 09.2021 vol II
Model: Joris @strabenratte
Photographer & stylist: Diana Dău @dianadau
Stylist assistant: Michelle (The Code Berlin)
Garments: All available at The Code Berlin @the_code_berlin

"Transylvanian fable"- Shoot published in @selin.magazine & almost got to the finals of the Smithsonian Magazine photo prize 2022 at the "People" category. Art directed, photographed and styled by me.

Photography: Diana Dau
DOP: Natalja Safronova
ArtFashion, styling & directed by Livia Rita @liviarita
Movement support: @valentinaceschi
Set by Erin Tse @wingmanerintse, assisted by @punky.dory & Coraline Burke, in collaboration with Livia Rita
Hair & MUA by @imaninaghtenmua
Production by @anahi_saravia & @aleksandra.wojt Usage: print (magazine) & digital (social media)

"Never Never land" editorial featured in Flanelle magazine (digital) & Hunter mag (print)